Tuesday, 4 September 2012


 Thanks to many kind people that I meet on Postcrossing every day, my list of missing countries is getting shorter every day, especially talking about the European countries. Ana, also a big card collector and blogger, sent me wonderful waterfall card shown above. 
Located in south-east of Macedonia, Kolešino Waterfall is flows from the Baba River, at an elevation of 610 meters on the Mount Belasic,. and gently falls over the stone cliffs nestled in the forest of Mount Belasica at a height of 19 metres. Kolešino Falls is a major tourist attraction for the Municipality of Novo Selo.
Ana says the Kolešino Falls is an absolute must-see in Macedonia, and with all that I've read about these falls she can't be wrong :)

Ana even used a waterfall stamp. I  really don't know which waterfall does the stamp represent, but it's so nice to see a waterfall card with a waterfall stamp. Hvala, Ana :)


  1. nice :) nešta mi je poznat, da nije iz neke profil slike? xD
    btw sori adi, poslala san ti TN razglednicu na leptira jer san loše pročitala profil :/

  2. ma da, ja sam ti kao izašla iz razglednice :P

    inače na markici je Smolarski vodopad...ne tako daleko od Kolešinskih...imala sam takvu razglednicu

    ako te interesira, reci mi slobodno pa kad je nađem, uzmem jednu i za tebe...i za Agi ako joj se svidi nešto :))))

  3. Agi, ma nema veze. Hvala ti puno svejedno! Ana, uvijek sam otvoren za vodopade. A ni Agi se nece puno buniti, vjerujem ;)
