Wednesday 13 March 2013


When I think of traditional tea drinking, England comes immediately to my mind, but I've just learnt that tea is an important part of Russian culture as well. According to a 2005 study, some 82% of Russians consume tea daily. The postcard shows all other food that is traditionally eaten with tea, but also the somarov, heated metal container traditionally used to heat and boil water in and around Russia. Tea drinking is nor so popular activity, and the combination with the pancakes sounds quite unusual for me; I've never seen someone here in Croatia drinking tea and eating pancakes. But I'd love to try! 
Traditional tea in Russia includes the traditional type known as Russian Caravan as it was originally imported from China via camel caravan. As the trip was very long, usually taking as long as 16 or 18 months, the tea acquired its distinctive smoky flavor from the caravan's campfires. Black tea is the most common, but green tea is becoming more popular. Green ta is also my favourite!

Huge thanks go to Marina, for my brand-new collection of Russian multiplies.

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