Tuesday 8 October 2013


We're celebrating Independence Day here in Croatia so I'm home (we didn't go to the school yesterday either, so, counting weekend,  that's 4 days off in fact!). I think this is a great chance to show you the other two cards I received from Edwin a few days ago... The postcard above shows a restaurant! I  would've never thought is was a restaurant! This is how the restaurant invites clients (on the back of the postcard) : "Taste the captivatingly famous Arabic food in a modern place but with a touch of the older days".


  1. ko je taj tipus, koji šalje po četiri? pitan jer je isti slučaj na drugome blogu ;)

  2. ah sad ga vidin na fejsu...tako ti je to, kad pitaš samo se ukaže :))

  3. Ja sam trazio da mijenjamo tri. Kad nadem nekoga iz rjedih zemalja, pokusam si odmah napraviti zalihu :P
    Ajde super da si ga i ti nasla :)

    1. nešta smo se već kontaktirali prije ali se nismo ništa dogovorili...ima on sad zalihu hrvatske pa mu neće trebati ;))
